Been a minute…

I got one brewing. Trust me. The list is long and sorry for my absence. Been busy with post-Costa Rica stuff, work, and house stuff. Top Gun? I have so much to tell you how it is the greatest sequel since Godfather 2. Well, and most of my free time goes to my dog these days. But, this is a reminder that my hero of sports media has the best three hours of sports radio tomorrow. 10-1 my time Mountain. You might not understand everything they are talking about, but probably the most intelligent annual show of radio call-ins you can ever hope for. Actually, Jim Rome sort of stole my idea if I may be honest. Props. Enjoy. Talk to you in a few days. @jimrome
It would be easy to take Lef or Brad. Put my money on Jeff from Richmond to finally break through, or Mike from Indy to get his second. My GUT tells me Sean will get his throne back though. Enjoy.