
Best day of my year since Thursday (Roland) about the most important useless fact you will ever know.

I can flowchart that for you if you like.

I am blogging because Kyle, Vince, and my boss won’t answer their phone.  And this is important.

I went to the symphony tonight.  Hot on Handel.  Jazz version of the classic.  High quality stuff, with a mezzo-soprano that almost made me fall out of my seat.

Yes, I am classically trained in piano, have seen more symphonies than 95% of the people in this world, and actually dress up a little.

Here is the important stuff.  I read EVERY person’s biography of who is on stage.  I captured the highlights in my mind in case I met them back stage (Lindsey’s dad makes that happen as he is a tenor in the choir), and Lindsey asked me who, of all the people, would I want to meet.  It ended up as a tie.  I met both.  It was the best night of my life in 2014 since Thursday when Lindsey gave me a Roland for Christmas.  Second place.  I talked with Clifford, who DESTROYED three piano solos that I ALSO almost fell out of my seat during.  He worked with Peter Criss.  My brother would approve.  By the way, Matt, Peter Criss is evidently an awesome dude, great musician, and much nicer than Paul, Ace, and Gene.

FIRST PLACE.  I read in the biography of Bob Christianson, who was the organist.  He is credited for WRITING the “NCAA college basketball theme.”  You know what I did.  You can’t stop me and neither could Lindsey.  I did it classy.  I asked the question, and know what happened?  He sang the song WITH me.  One of the year’s great moments for me except for getting a Roland Thursday.  March is coming.  I heard the guy who WROTE that theme song.  Sing it with me like he did with me.

The other person was Leslie, who conducted like she was a dancer in Thriller and will be in Carnegie Hall in 2015.  Props.