Calling My Shot.

You get TWO posts today. I already planned on writing one when I get kicked out while my wife has her girlfriends over tonight. But, I started writing a post on LinkedIn, where I NEVER bring too much sports into play, and I liked it enough to post on here too. Talk to you tonight.
Sports are like life, and this post could age very badly, and very quickly.
But, I am posting it anyway. My personal life is filled with sports and sports watching. I write a sports blog, I live at the gym, and I watch every game I can. I try my best, and do pretty well at it, of not creating posts on this site that are just sports related. I stick to my job on this site. Sometimes, though, work and sports intersect.
It has been a long week listening to the national talking heads talk about how the Denver Nuggets are done. True, they dropped two games at home, and only five teams ever have lost those two first home games and won the series. Very remote possibility, especially the WAY the Nuggets got beat.
But, I read about real life stories on LinkedIn about being down and out. I read amazing comebacks in life and work. Many of those people who fought back probably learned it on a sports team when they were younger. Their team was so far down at half, and they somehow came back in the second half. Then, they applied that hunger and drive to their life. I get uplifted in my day reading some of these LinkedIn stories. And, hoops IS just a game. But, the idea of coming back still resonates in all of life.
The Nuggets have hoisted the trophy. When one gets that taste, they want that feeling again more than ever. They looked lifeless in the first two games, but they will rebound. Jokic doesn’t just win three out of four MVP’s and NOT want another title in any way possible. Greatness achieves greatness, and never without earlier failure (not sure if I heard that somewhere or made it up).
So, this weekend, the Nuggets will make a stand. They will make this a series. They will tie it up. We saw signs of Minnesota’s talent last year, in what was one of the more difficult of the Nuggets’ playoff series. They obviously have showed how that talent has matured in the first two games. They will have their time. But, the Nuggets will not go quietly into the night, and I think they DO come back from the hole they dug themselves.
Life is sports, and sports is life. It is no different than being down and out, and then fighting back to become a winner. Heck, I read posts each week by Justin Jay Johnson which get me pumped for my job, and his back story and comeback are unbelievable. The belief that my mentor, Mark Fine, has in this team could make YOU run into a wall. Murray, Pope, Gordon, Porter, and Jokic did not bring the band back to get swept after winning it all. They are great for a reason, and will show us that this weekend. Be ready for history…because it usually happens when you don’t expect it to happen (think that is made up too).
And, the process in life or sports for a comeback, was best quoted in Bill Murray’s What About Bob? “Baby steps…” Just get tonight first.
(And, if not, maybe they can at least win ONE of the two games so this post doesn’t look TOO bad.) hashtag#nuggets